Monday, March 24, 2008

Undead and Unwed

Undead and Unwed
by: Mary Janice Davidson
Queen Betsy Series, book 1

So, Mary Janice Davidson has a new book series out, called the Queen Betsy series about a newly arisen vampire named Elizabeth Taylor, only don't call her that or Liz, Betsy is fine; and by the way, she's heard all the name jokes she would care to here. Only she isn't your typical vampire, none of the gloom and dome with her, she just wants to know where her shoes are.

When I read this book, I just kept picturing Sarah Jessica Parker from Sex in the City when I read Betsy. That is exactly how I would describe her, she is loyal to her shoes, and you need her on your side, a new pair of Ferragamos or Jimmy Choos and she is there!

It's written in a light-hearted manner and Betsy is more flippant than anything, but I did enjoy the book. Although, I think Sinclair is my favorite person right now, he is so more your typical vampire, dark and handsome, mysterious and yet somehow you just want to know him. I want to know know more about him, his history and everything. I am not quite as interested in Betsy, but she does provide for some good lines and keeps it from being a dark series about vampires.

Great read for a weekend. I read it Saturday while making cookies for Easter, so it is a light, fun, easy read. Enjoy!

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