Friday, March 7, 2008

Mum's the Word by Kate Collins

Mum's the Word
by Kate Collins
A Flower Shop Mystery - First in the new series

So you know that I love these quirkly little themed mystery series, and I have read and reviewed for you a number of them, the last one I did being a Knitting Mystery Series. Well, I found a new series, A Flower Shop Mystery series, and the first book is Mum's the Word.

So I sat down last night and read this one. It is cute and a good read. One thing that I liked, it is set in Indiana, where I was born and raised and still call home, so that was a fun little detail that made it neat to read, and they mention Indiana University, where I attended, met my husband, graduated from and got married at, so the connections probably made me like it a little more than others might like it.

Abby Knight is the lead, and she is a young woman, who "failed" law school and bought a Flower Shop. Now, I say "failed" law school because it is mentioned that she failed, but there seems to be another story underneath her failing that has not been uncovered yet, I just get the feeling that there is more to it and that. She clerked for a lawyer in town, and is still on good terms with him, and he figures in the story line as a friend, someone to advise her and since she still meddles in law affairs, her helper. She also knows that he takes alot of pro-bono work, so she invloves herself to help find information he needs for cases. I think she might be too naive for law school, she still believes in justice and paying for wrong deeds, and the good guys always win.

The story starts with her car getting hit in a hit-and-run, which runs into a murder. You think this is going to be the main story line, but there is the divorce of a friend's sister that meddles with that line, and you have two sets of bad-guys in the story and which ones go with which crime mixes and twists, until it is the very end, when Abby figures it all out, that we figure it all out, and it takes the retelling of events to those concerned, her roommate Nikki, employee's Lottie and Grace and the bar owner Marco, that we actually figure out that there are two different crime stories running, and it just happens that the two crimes crossover into each other and get us confused as to who goes with which crime!

I have to say I loved it!! It kept me reading till the end. I was all for the one crime ringto be the big bad guys and they were behind everything, when it turned out that the divorce had the real bad guys, and the hired bad guys just kinda got mixed into it. I loved that it kept me thinking and waiting and on the edge of my seat till the end. I loved that they figured it out and that it was a score for the good guys. I mean, this story even included a crocked cop, a sexy neighbor, a high school crush and an ex-fiancee. It was well written and drew you in.

Book Two in this series will be Slay it with Flowers

I have about four of these at home, and will work on getting you all a series in order listing soon! In the meantime, pull up a chair, grab a warm blanket and a cup of joe and enjoy the story!

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RoxiticusDH said...

Thanks for visiting my blog ( If your son likes the Magic Tree House books, do try the A to Z Mysteries...they are about the same reading level, maybe a little easier, and unlike the Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew, they feature two boys and a girl as the "detectives," so both boys and girls enjoy the stories. Apologies for the off-topic post here but I wasn't sure how else to reach you.

TAMmommy said...

Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog.
I will be looking for that other series, the A to Z mysteries for my son.