Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Sedona Method Leads The Happiness Wave

What is The Sedona Method and why should I be interested?

Do you want happiness ? Who doesn't? Who in this world truly enjoys being sad and depressed? Well, then isn't it time to check out something else? Why not try The Sedona Method ? What have you got to lose except the unhappiness?

How can The Sedona Method help you become truly happy now?
First off The Sedona Method is based on two main premises:
1) Thoughts and feelings aren’t facts and they’re not you.
2) You can let them go.

At your core you already have all the happiness you are seeking, and all you need to do is uncover it, this natural happiness, by letting go of the unhappiness or limitation that appears to be covering or obstructing it.
The Sedona Method teaches you to do this, to let go of the things in life that are binding you to the unhappiness in your life.

Since its creation in the early 1970s, The Sedona Method has been taught to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. This simple yet elegant Method continues to spread happiness, peace and well-being on all continents, fostering a growing sense of oneness and peace.

We're not talking about some, johnny-come-lately plan, but something that has been out there for over 30 years, somthing that people like Mariel Hemingway, granddaughter of Ernest Hemingway have tried and are raving about! We've all read about the self-doubt and low self-esteem that plagued Mr. Hemingway, and studies have shown how that can be an inherited traint, so for someone like Mariel, who grew up in a family history of this to be finding and endorsing this, well, let's just say for me it leads alot more creditablity to it.

Right now, if you go to their website and sign up for the newsletter, they will send you a FREE DVD or CD. What have tyou got to lose? A little unhappiness? Check it out, see what the FREE DVD and CD are about, it won't hurt.

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